@peccul is peccu

(love peccu '(emacs lisp cat outdoor bicycle mac linux coffee))

= ld: framework not found SenTestingKit

[2012-01-15 12:35:23]


% g++ -o hoge hoge.o `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv` -framework Foundation -framework Accelerate -framework SenTestingKit
ld: framework not found SenTestingKit
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

file not exist...とか何とか言われた場合は

SenTestingKitを使って単体テストをする - 淡々とめもりんぐ - iPhoneアプリ開発グループ


sudo ln -s /Developer/Library/Frameworks/SenTestingKit.framework /System/Library/Frameworks/


Framework Programming Guide: Including Frameworksにも,

Note: The standard locations for frameworks are the /System/Library/Frameworks directory and the /Library/Frameworks directory on the local system.

Framework Programming Guide: Including Frameworks

ってかいてある.Framework Search Pathsに/Develer/Library/Frameworksを追加してもいい.とも